Antwerp vs Anderlecht Stats
On average Antwerp scores after every 5.6 shots, while Anderlecht gets averagely 9.5 shots in a game.
Follow the detailed online statistics for Antwerp vs Anderlecht here. Let's see how statistics change.
Antwerp vs Anderlecht Lineups
Antwerp fielded the below lineup in the last match against Anderlecht: Lammens; Van Den Bosch, Alderweireld, Odoi; Deman, Doumbia, Riedewald, Corbanie; Chery, Janssen, Kerk
In their last match against Antwerp starting lineup of Anderlecht was the following: Coosemans; Maamar, Adryelson, Simic, Sardella; Dendoncker, Rits; Edozie, Verschaeren, Degreef; Vasquez
Scorestrike will provide all details about Antwerp vs Anderlecht match lineups here.