Tijuana vs Queretaro Stats
On average Tijuana scores after every 10.7 shots, while Queretaro gets averagely 23 shots in a game.
Follow the detailed online statistics for Tijuana vs Queretaro here. Let's see how statistics change.
Tijuana vs Queretaro Lineups
Tijuana fielded the below lineup in the last match against America: Rodriguez; Bilbao, Inzunza, Vega; Monarrez, Tona Olmeda, Mejia Montoya, Corona; Castaneda, Hernandez, Julio
In their last match against America starting lineup of Queretaro was the following: Rubio; Perez, Perlaza, Armenta, Castillo, Allison; Venegas, Canale, Russo; Barrera, Lertora
Scorestrike will provide all details about Tijuana vs Queretaro match lineups here.